You can watch "Time Out for Women" -- put on in Salt Lake City by Deseret Book-- for free. They are streaming it live. You have to register, but registration is free. This is such a good program, with such good speakers, I recommend it highly! They offered this free last year also, and after registering, they sent a link to my email. Clicking on the link allowed me to watch the whole program. It is on Friday night, November 22 and Saturday, November 23 (which is also our Souper Saturday). Last year, they left the link up for a couple of weeks so you could watch it anytime. Not sure if they are doing the same thing this year, but I would think they probably would. Here is the information! (You can register for it starting Monday, November 18)
Are you ever SO excited about something that you just can't keep it a SECRET anymore?
Well...that's how we feel this very moment! So, we decided to not let it be a secret anymore. HAVE to be PATIENT and wait until Monday to register.
Who is excited?!
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